god of war atreus age

Atreus shouts at him to stop, only to receive another insult about Faye, causing him to charge at the god, but is knocked aside. When Kratos complies and throws the Atreus and Kratos journey deeper into Alfheim and get caught up in an ongoing war between its inhabitants, the dark elves and the light elves. After learning of his godhood, Atreus becomes arrogant, cocky, and reckless, boasting that they can do whatever they want. Mimir also known as the Smartest Man Alive, and nicknamed by Kratos as Head, is the Norse God of Knowledge and Wisdom and an ally of Kratos and Atreus. When he was a child, Atreus learned various Norse languages and hunting from his mother. Atreus lets out his Spartan Rage, but falls into a coma, as Kratos beats the cowardly Modi. He comes up to his father's hip and looks to be around ten years of age. Mimir suggests that Kratos take him to Freya, and she states that Atreus' god side is fighting with his mortal side (since he doesn't know of his godhood). Promptly ascending the structure, Atreus tells Mimir the value of teamwork and cooperation, despite their constant bickering, in passing Tyr's test. He then has a vision of him, Kratos, and Mimir being confronted by Thor, the god of Thunder. Kratos forced Baldur to release them with his Kratos held Baldur in a chokehold, but Atreus convinced his father that he was beaten and no longer a threat. The Huldra brothers then reconcile and forge the key for the trio, branding it with their combined seal. With his father's assistance, Atreus stabs the deer in the throat. Atreus becomes frustrated with his father, believing not to care about him or Faye, and only needing for simple tasks. After reanimating Mimir's head, Atreus was surprised when the Witch spat in his face and the head identifying her as Now that they have their guide Kratos demands information on Baldur and how to defeat him when they run into him again, to which Mimir claims that Baldur is invulnerable to any threat physical or magical. She lets him in and says that Kratos will need to find the heart of Atreus starts to become cocky and arrogant over time, like yelling to Sindri about his brother being more talented than him and charging at enemies recklessly. When Kratos says there are consequences to killing gods, Atreus asks how he knows such a thing. The trio travel sback to the Bifrost to consult the World serpent according to whom they need three things, the chisel of a Giant, the travel rune for Jotunheim, and the gate they found next to Mimir's prison, and Mimir knows where they can get a chisel. As Kratos held Mimir up to the panel, he observed it depicting Tyr traveling magically but was confused at why the giants would devote a shrine to him. " Me? The two are attacked by the dragon Hræzlyr in the mines, with the result going outside where Sindri is attacked.

While riding the boat, Atreus sees his father fight a man, and later states that he didn't see the phantom. Seeing that their home was no longer safe, Kratos and Atreus decided to go on their journey despite the child not being ready, and his sickness. Atreus continued to be by his side as they spread the ashes of his mother and continued to talk to him. They eventually find the deer and Atreus manages to incapacitate it, but is shocked when Kratos orders him to deliver the killing blow as he had never killed something before. After talking to the serpent, Mimir tells them they have to get Thamur's chisel, which can open the lock doors they have encountered.

Kratos goes inside the Light and leaves Atreus with his axe to wait. To return to Tyr's Temple, Kratos improvised using pyres to allow a ship to fly. He explained that he was from a place called As they made their way back to Tyr's Temple, Atreus wondered why Baldur said they cost him so much. After getting rid of the roots over the light, Kratos enters while Atreus waits with his father's axe. They track and find a deer, but Atreus shoots too hastily and fails to kill the deer in a single shot, which earns him a scolding from Kratos. Atreus says his final prayers, and takes his mother's knife despite burning his hand due to the flames. Kratos observed that Tyr's eyes were jewels like Mimir's. Le nom Kratos vient du grec ancien Κράτος / Krátos, qui signifie « force » ou « autorité ».

Atreus was amazed by this account, commenting that his father actually told him a good story. In the secret ending, Atreus felt the future of Fimbulwinter destruction and Ragnorak begins when he and Kratos encountered Atreus was conceived between the Greek demigod Kratos and a Jötunn named Laufey, whom he called Faye had passed away sometime later, although the causes are still unknown, and for her final wish, asked Kratos and Atreus to spread her ashes on the highest peak of all the realms. I'm the greatest ambassador to the gods, the Giants, and all the creatures of the Nine Realms. He also often charges recklessly into battle without hesitation. Furthermore, her spell on Mimir had lifted as he confirmed Baldur was vulnerable.
He also retains his compassion as seen when he tries to protect Kratos during the final battle against Baldur.

After seeing his mother, Baldur attempts to attack her, but Kratos and Atreus battle him. The duo reach the corpse of Thamur, but realize that the ice is too thick to break through, so they climb to the top of the hammer and release it from its chains. She instructs Kratos to go Helheim to collect the heart of the bride keeper, but states he will weapons not of Norse, as his axe will be useless on the dead. Atreus lets his rage on the monster, slicing it with his mother's knife while insulting the corpse. As they begin to fight, Atreus pleaded Freya to flee but she refused, believing she could reason with Baldur. After being reprimanded by Kratos for his behavior, Atreus returns to his former personality for the most part.
Eventually finding the deer, Atreus shoots the animal, and has to give the final blow wit the aid of Kratos.

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